Museumgeeks: Welcome to Museumgeeks

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Welcome to Museumgeeks

If you could quit your job today and do whatever you wanted to do, what would it be? My easy answer to that question: travel the world and discover its museums, large and small, quirky and established, roadside or mansion-sized. I want to start a site here where we can all share our discoveries on our travels, in the U.S. and overseas.

I also hope we can get creative ourselves, in mapping out and sharing our own suggested itineraries of museums. Why stick to the guided tour? We can come up with our own itineraries for tracing Diego Rivera's work and influence in New York, or for tracking Andy Goldsworthy's progress across the American museum landscape (last I saw of him was his permanent creation at the National Gallery in Washington). Or pick and map out a theme from a few suggested by a friend who will be helping with this site:

-The Top Ten Homeliest Daughters of Wealthy Art Patrons
-The Top Ten Best Pictures of Artist Mistresses
-The Top Ten Pictures that Got Their Creators in Deep *&!$%!
-Great Paintings: The Re-Dos (pictures that were rejected and had to be redone because of unhappy patrons, an outraged art world...)

Want to share an idea for a theme? Post away! And thanks!


Anonymous said...

Good luck. The London museums I like but where I live in Cornwall (UK)they are tiny by comparison. Can get a little boring looking at pieces of pottery and the such. Mike

Suzanne said...

Some tiny museums are great, but you're right, pottery shards--while having a fascinating history--sometimes don't quite ignite the imagination. I went to a very interesting little museum in London--I think it was called the Soames Gallery? I'll check. It was a house filled with a very eccentric collection of artifacts. I also went to the Wallace Collection, if I'm not misremembering that name as well.
Soon, I'll start a list of museums on the site and maybe we can share Top 10 Museums visited and Top 10 yet to visit.

Suzanne said...

Actually, it’s the Sir John Soanes House, sans the m I gave him in his last name. You can take a look at it on the museum’s site, which is, or go to this site,
-museum.php. The Wallace I don’t remember quite as well, but here is its site if you haven’t been there before: